

The goal for eCash is to become sound money that is usable by everyone in the world. This is a civilization-changing technology which will dramatically increase human freedom and prosperity.

eCash Roadmap Explained
eCash Roadmap Explained
eCash Roadmap Explained

The roadmap provides a high level overview of the technical direction of the eCash protocol. This enables different technical teams to work together toward the common goal of advancing the project. eCash developers produce high quality professional software that serves the needs of its users, miners, and merchants. Continuous technical improvement is the eCash standard.

Software advances through constant incremental improvements. The optimizations and protocol upgrades outlined in the roadmap allow eCash to scale by orders of magnitude.

There are three main categories of improvements:

  1. Scaling transaction throughput (from about 100 transactions per second to more than 5 million transactions per second).
  2. Improving the payment experience. Instant and reliable is the baseline. All transactions should arrive instantly and be secure within 3 seconds.
  3. Extending the protocol & establishing fork-free future upgrades to support tomorrow's economy.

The eCash network currently upgrades every year on May 15th and Nov 15th. These upgrades are required for all node operators. To support business planning, the upgrades are based on a timestamp and not a specific blockheight.


eCash Roadmap= Complete|
eCash Roadmap= Underway|
eCash Roadmap= Planning


Enable eCash to scale from ~100 tx/s to over 5,000,000 tx/s. Mass-parallelization is necessary to achieve mankind scale.

eCash Roadmap

Canonical Transaction Ordering

scalable block processing

eCash Roadmap

Schnorr Signatures

batched signature validation

eCash Roadmap

UTXO Commitments

blockchain pruning, faster initial sync

eCash Roadmap

Faster Block Propagation

graphene or other

eCash Roadmap

Merklix-Metadata Tree

scalable block processing

eCash Roadmap

Adaptive Block Size

market driven growth to 1TB blocks

eCash Roadmap

Mankind Scale
Mankind Scale
Mankind Scale

50 transactions / day for 10 billion humans


Improve the eCash payment experience to ensure that it is instant and reliable. Transactions must be received instantly and be completely secure within seconds.

eCash Roadmap


easier & safer to use

eCash Roadmap


hardware wallet security

eCash Roadmap

Convenient Units

2 decimal places

eCash Roadmap

Avalanche Post-consensus

enhanced security & 1-block finality

eCash Roadmap


opt-in privacy

eCash Roadmap

Blockchain Indexer

powerful application API

eCash Roadmap

Regular Heartbeat

more consistent block times

eCash Roadmap

Avalanche Pre-consensus

instant transactions & real-time processing

eCash Roadmap

Zero-Knowledge Subnet

bulletproof privacy

eCash Roadmap

Fractional Satoshis

fees low forever

eCash Roadmap

Best Money
Best Money
Best Money

secure within 3 seconds - transaction fees forever low


Make eCash extensible. An extensible protocol makes future improvements less disruptive, providing a solid base for businesses and developers to build on.

eCash Roadmap

Foundational Opcodes

functional script capability

eCash Roadmap


tokens on chain

eCash Roadmap


oracles and covenants

eCash Roadmap

EVM Subnet

scalable smart contracts & improved privacy

eCash Roadmap

Advanced Opcodes

enhanced script capability

eCash Roadmap

New Transaction Format

more capable & compact

eCash Roadmap

Agile Blockchain
Agile Blockchain
Agile Blockchain

supporting tomorrow's economy