Wum.bo Beta is out now!

3 min readSep 27, 2021
Claim your Wum.bo profile on Twitter!

How do I get it?

Navigate to https://wum.bo and follow the instructions!

How does it work?

Wum.bo is a Chrome Extension that sits on the side of Twitter, decorating all profiles with information from the Solana Metaverse. This includes the user’s Wum.bo Social Token, their NFTs, and their trophies.

Wum.bo Social Tokens are purchased through Beta WUM (bWUM) tokens, and are a show of support for anyone you hold. 5% of every token sold goes back to the creator. Wum.bo Social Tokens are priced on a logarithmic curve relative to the supply, favoring early supporters. So it’s best to show your support early!

Beta Rules

The Beta is a competition, and will end when we launch the WUM token.

The beta rules are simple:

  1. Use bWUM to interact with the beta. bWUM is priced at 0.001 SOL, with a limit of 100 bWUM per transaction. All SOL goes into a Beta Prize Pool.
  2. Top 10 Creators will get a Preferred Token Launch when we leave Beta
  3. You’ll get NFT Trophies for participating, a portion of the Prize Pool, and bWUM for finding bugs.

The prize pool will be distributed based on how well you spent your bWUM. The more people who back a creator, the higher their token price. Back the best people, or get people to back you to earn bWUM and a higher share of the prize pool!

As a Top 10 Creator, you will be able to launch your Official Wum.bo Social Token right after the launch of the WUM token, and before anyone else is able to launch their Wum.bo token. This means, for a short time, your token will be the only token available on the platform.


Show off your NFTs, right on twitter! Go to your profile, or anyone else’s profile to see a list of their collectibles:

Have an NFT as a Profile Picture? No problem, tag it so everyone can see:

Prize Pool Share

If you multiply all of the tokens you own by their current price in bWUM, you get your Total bWUM Locked. The Prize Pool is distributed as a percentage of your Total bWUM Locked out of the Total bWUM Locked in the entire Wum.bo beta.

Questions? Bugs?

If you have any questions or find any bugs, please reach out to us!

💬 Chat with us on Discord 💬

🐦 Follow us on Twitter — @TeamWumbo 🐦

