The Sandbox Alpha — Main Hub

The doors of the Metaverse are opening soon to share an exclusive experience in The Sandbox!

The Sandbox
The Sandbox
3 min readSep 30, 2021


You are invited to the grand opening of The Sandbox’s Main Hub!

As we get closer to the launch of the Alpha, we want to give you a sneak peek of the Main Hub, the meeting place where everyone can step into the Metaverse and mingle with other players while getting a glimpse of the larger universe. Read more to learn everything about this entry point into The Sandbox!

The Main Hub is the main place to get together!

Think of the Main Hub as the point of entry to the Metaverse — the starting point for all adventures in the Alpha. While an Alpha Pass is required to access the many other Alpha experiences branching off from here, the Main Hub is open to all players in the Alpha. As such, it’s designed to give a taste for the broader Metaverse in a social environment where players can interact with each other and with virtual guides who will share secrets about the LANDs beyond this meeting point.

In the Main Hub, you will be able to visit the NFT museum, connect with the community, dance, explore, meet some of the Metaverse inhabitants, make a new group of friends, and learn about the exciting future in store for you at The Sandbox!

The Sandbox team will hold several types of activities and giveaways in this hub so make sure you follow us on social media to know when these events will go live.

Discover some of the amazing NFTs displayed in the Hub — including the Golden Ape

We’re looking forward to seeing you there, and that is why everyone, Alpha Pass holder or not, will be able to log in to The Sandbox’s Main Hub. Together, we can take that initial step and share a first glimpse into the exciting Metaverse we’ve been building!

Let’s meet in the Metaverse soon!

Be among the first to share a screenshot of your Avatar in the Main Hub on social media!

