aelf Roadmap: Highlighted Technology Upgrade and Ecology Development

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4 min readOct 2, 2021


On September 9th, aelf launched its mainnet token swap simultaneously with the rebranding. The rebranding covers a full-scenario penetrating ecosystem that integrates aelf mainnet, aelf versatile oracle, and diversified DeFi protocols. In line with the rebranding, aelf will focus on technology and product upgrades plus the expansion of aelf ecology in the following months. Specifically, we are to extend a fast and secured stable coins payment channel on aelf mainnet. At the same time, we will focus on creating a prosperous ecosystem with explosive GameFi, NFT, DeFi, trading, gaming, insurance, and many more.

aelf will continue to make efforts in expanding the ecology, landing applications, upgrading mainnet, optimizing supportive products, etc. aelf will stand with practitioners from all over the world to jointly promote the construction, development, and growth of aelf ecology.


aelf is building a fast, safe, reliable, and easy-to-use blockchain infrastructure with the most updated blockchain technology. aelf will continue to improve the functions of the mainnet, expand the ecological scale, and to enhance the value of the aelf network.

2021 Q4

Circulate Stable Coins
We will map USDT from Ethereum and USDC from Binance to build fast and secured stable coin payment transactions on aelf mainnet. In this way, we will be able to provide better deposits, withdrawals, and risk aversion methods in the aelf ecology, ushering in large-scale scenarios of DApps.

Hold Hackathon
Jointly hold Hackathon events with our partners and invite the best developers from around the world to explore our ecology with talented DApps. Simultaneously, we will gather outstanding developers into aelf developer community to continuously motivate the developing progress.

Start BP Node Election Gradually
Voters could stake to vote so that 17 production nodes will be elected. The production nodes function to maintain the stabilization and decentralization of aelf mainnet ecology.

Auction Sidechains
aelf could allocate exclusive sidechain or sidechains to support the operation of individual applications as needed. The allocations will be executed via auctions. The sidechain auction is one of the milestones in our roadmap when aelf’s cross-chain vision and ecological value will land. Projects that successfully take a sidechain will be able to enjoy the ultra-high TPS and security of the aelf mainnet and the cross-chain interoperability of other projects.

2022 Q1

Extend aelf Versatile Oracle Platform
aelf versatile oracle helps retrieve off-chain data and digital assets. It improves the efficiency of data aggregation while reducing the cost. In addition to providing live market prices, the oracle platform can also provide safe and accurate data sources for various gaming scenarios. Construct the reputation system of aelf oracle organization, opening up two-way communications among projects, including but not limited to Ethereum.

Technology and Product

With the orderly progress of the mainnet currency exchange, the aelf mainnet once again achieved a milestone evolution. Next, in order to cope with ecological development, our work will focus on the optimization and update of ecological supporting products and technical upgrades to improve user experience and enhance transaction efficiency.

2021 Q4

Upgrade aelf Ecology Kit
We will iterate aelf products including aelf blockchain browser, Night Elf extension, aelf wallet. We will improve interactivity, application diversity, and user experience.

Release aelf v1.1.1
In aelf v1.1.1, the NFT contract will be deployed to support the issue of fancy IDs, digital artworks, and other NFTs. Also, we will adjust systematic contract and smart contract to enable stable coins and DeFi protocols on aelf; enable nodes connection via addresses.

2022 Q1

Integrate aelf Developer Kit
We will simplify the workflow of blockchain development, enabling the deployment of aelf smart contracts within minutes.

Release aelf v2.0.0
Reconstruct part of models with distributed framework dapr

2022 Q2

Release aelf v3.0.0
Enable webassembly smart contract on aelf. Enable users’ earnings by providing storage to increase the usage efficiency.

2022 Q3

Release aelf v4.0.0 to Launch Decentralized Storage Platform
On aelf v4.0.0, one sidechain will be utilized as the center to store and to retrieve all media resources. In this case, we will build a market to allocate storage nodes by algorithm and storage awards.

Developers and other users can find storage nodes that can store application data in a decentralized way.

2022 Q4

Release aelf v5.0.0
This version will index homo-structure chains on the PoS consensus to better extend aelf ecology.

Since the beginning of this year, aelf has been making remarkable progress. In the future, we will accelerate the expansion of aelf ecology according to the roadmap above with our technological advantages to benefit everyone in the crypto world.



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ælf, the next breakthrough in Blockchain.